make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for"
So the house is like gutted right- so Wyatt and I are sleeping on this cushion so I put him on his side and I lay down on my side. Well apparently children are like magnets to their parents and little houdini ends up practically on top of me lol. Now I'm all of snuggles and lovin' but not at night just because I'm such a heavy sleeper I don't want to roll over and hurt him- plus I'm not trying to have a 5 year old crawl into bed with mommy every night haha- and I like my space to spread out.. We do take naps together and yes I break my rules and have him on my chest but only like once-ish a day haha. But normally at night he is really good about sleeping in his own bed. At the new house he will have his own room :( I'm not very excited for that just because I like having him so close and being able to sit up in my bed and see him in his.. I guess it's for the best but I'll probably end up on his floor for a while before I'm comfortable being so far away haha. He usually sleeps really well at night though and we even got in a few 8 hour stretches lately but we were party animals last night and stayed out til 8:30 way past bed time so he woke up twice last night. I think I woke him up though just because I was up late on the phone and then tossed and turned :/ All this talk about sleeping is making me tired and he is racked out already so I think it's nap time :)
You'll be here soon and enjoy getting settled in. :) Georgia is almost 11 months and her bedroom is just for show. Use the co-sleeper in your room for now. :) Love you!!!