Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall is here!

I have been meaning to get on here and update for a while but every night after I put him to bed I'm too tired to think but finally I am updating.. I really feel like deleting facebook so I'd at least spend more time updating the blog plus I just hate fb.

Wyatt had his first halloween he was Batman (mommy's little superhero hahah) we went to visit my friends at UNC Charlotte for a costume birthday party and spent the weekend there. Wyatt had a good time and it was nice to have friends around again. We went to some cute little bakeries and of course I was in my glory loI dropped out of school but want to go back in January for the baking certificate but we'll see.. I use to be able to juggle school, work, and a life(friends, family, parties) but it's completely different when you have to take care of another person 24/7 it's really hard.. We came back Sunday (halloween day) and he wore his skeleton pjs and helped hand out candy that night.

He has been sick with ear infections this past month :( the pharmacy messed up his medicines so he never got better and now has strep throat and on his 4th week(10 days) of antibiotics so hopefully this will work and he will be all better.

He has been sitting up a lot better and is learning to get down without falling back or busting his head on the ground.. and his army crawl is turning into more of a crawl it's cute!! He is getting so big I can't believe it!!!! He will be a year in 4 months it's ridiculous although I am content with only having one kid I will miss the baby stage lol.

His dad and grandparents are coming next week for thanksgiving so that should be a lot of fun for him. I'm glad he isn't at the age to know a lot yet cause I'm still so uncomfortable about things and I really do hope he has a good relationship with them as well since they're his family too. It sucks being 12 hours away it's still so unreal sometimes cause I don't understand how the entire situation came to be.. Hopefully we will be closer soon though- it will be good for Wyatt to have both parents around and even though he will never have that "traditional" family I'm glad that his dad and I are friends so he will still always have both of us just at separate houses :).. I can't wait to see who he is going to be like. I know there are traits from both of us I'd want him to have and then ones I pray he doesn't have lol. He got hit with being stubborn from both sides though and is already stubborn as stubborn can be. People say a grandchild is a mothers revenge and well although I wasn't a bad kid in general when I acted up I went big lol so Wyatt will give me a run for my money I'm sure! And I know his daddy is no angel either lol. I am however in loveeeeee with his green eyes if he didn't get anything else from his dad those eyes would make up for it all hahah. I'm sure those eyes will get him out of a bunch of trouble with a sweet little smile I'm sure I'll melt lol.. I don't ever wanna be in the same room as him and his daddy when he wants something I can see it now "but mommm it's only a quad/dirtbike/mustang/etc" then they'll batt their green eyes and smile and I'll be sold! Imma have to sell my soul to the devil to be able to say no to those eyes haha.. Wyatt looks like his daddy more and more each day though. He has my cheeks and if he is sickly you can see it in his eyes and face like me when I'm sick but other than that all boy and all daddy lol.. Even people who don't know Wyatt's dad ask if he looks like his father haha but of course it's how it goes I do the work and daddy gets the credit for that sweet face of his haha.. I will probably be busy this next week to get things ready for thanksgiving and stuff but I will try to update about the visit and how Wyatt liked turkey :) as soon as I can.