Sunday, August 29, 2010

New doctor...

So I took him to a new doctor in town and I'm not sure if I like her yet or not :/ ... She changed his formula to help with his digestion issues but he still spits up and didn't listen to me when I said I didn't want him on another medicine because the other ones only made it worse and this one is linked to future heart problems and with his heart murmur I didn't feel comfortable.. It's just annoying that everyone thinks they know best and I know nothing! I know I didn't go to school for 12 years to be a doctor but you're not at home everyday with my son. We're half way to a year almost though so should be almost done with the spit up and hopefully the constipation gets better. I feel like going back to the regular formula and starting over because they've changed him so much it's just ridiculous and then go to a specialist so they can look at what's going on inside and why he screams in pain every time he tries to poop....

On a lighter note he will be going on his first SUPER long road trip next weekend for the long weekend we're going to NY and Canada so that should be fun :) hopefully he does okay in the car though.. I wish he could eat real food cause it'd be nice if he could eat a poutine or pizza while we're in NYC even though no one should actually eat them they're both super yummy haha.. We're hopefully going through VT too so I don't have to go back up in November with just Wyatt and can go visit actual friends in Wilmington/Charlotte/Boone/Chapel Hill... I guess it would be best to stay in NC since everyone we care about and who cares about us pretty much live here anyway.. I'm excited for his first holidays too :)

He is trouble though he like rolls over and scoots to get to things it's crazy!!! He was on the floor playing by the couch and rolled/scooted to the fire place DANGEROUS!!! haha He will be sitting up and then crawling before I know it!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

summer vacation is over :(

So I've officially started school it's only 2 days a week though so it's not that bad. I'm bored as sin and hate being away from Wyatt but overall he does okay at my sisters! I have some pictures to upload once I get around to it. He is still having tummy and pooping issues but we go to the doctors friday. Also he started cereal and loves it and will be starting baby vegetables this weekend :)